As house prices continue to remain steady in the Bay Area, people are still engaging in the venture of “house flipping.” This involves finding a house with a relatively moderate price tag, due to its poor condition or outdated finishes, then fixing it up, and selling it for a profit. If you’ve seen …
Milgard vs. Simonton: Which Is Better for Bay Area Homes?
As a window replacement company with locations in Pleasanton and San Jose, we get a lot of questions about which brand of windows is best for homes in the Bay Area. The amount of information about replacement windows on the internet is so huge that it can be overwhelming for the average homeowner. …
Looking for Milgard Windows in Pleasanton? Read This First
Milgard is a popular brand of replacement windows. So popular, in fact, that we often get asked about Milgard windows by name at our replacement window dealership. When potential customers ask about them, we have to tell them that we have chosen not to sell Milgard products, even though we could …